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First Congregational United Church of Christ

Contact Us Now

About US

We are delighted you are interested in learning more about our family of faith. As
we are fond of saying that, “No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s
journey, you are welcome here.”

More important than who we are, is who our Savior is. Our focus at First
Congregational United Church of Christ is not primarily on us, but rather on Jesus
Christ and Christ’s mission on Earth. Christ is at the center of all we do.

At First Congregational UCC, you’ll find a caring and welcoming community of
believers who are united by faith in Jesus Christ and in service to others. You’ll
discover picnics and potlucks, service projects and youth activities, world-class
organ music, and biblical, impactful preaching. Spend time in nature and
meditation on our woodland trails, or gather together with new friends for Bible
study and theology classes. Help visit members who are hospitalized or
homebound, or sew prayer blankets that can warm both hearts and their bodies.

We are a family of faith. We genuinely care about one another, even when we
disagree. America is a bitterly divided nation, and people are increasingly
choosing not to associate with people who think differently. Not the case at First
Congregational UCC! The United Church of Christ was founded intentionally to
bring Christians of different backgrounds and ideas together to appreciate our
differences and learn from each other, while following Christ’s plea that we “all
be one” (John 17:21). We even worship in multiple styles, with formal, traditional
worship at 9:00 and relaxed, contemporary worship at 11:05 a.m.

Come as you are! We hope to welcome you in person soon, or check out our
livestreamed service on Facebook by visiting 

If you have further questions about our church, please reach out to Pastor Ryan at



3465 N. MacArthur Rd.

Decatur, IL 62526


Tel: (217) 877-2216


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