Music At First Congregational United Church of Christ
The Music Ministry of First Congregational United Church of Christ has a three-fold mission:
To prepare music that blesses our worship experiences each week and draws people into the presence of God;
To encourage and develop the gifts and talents that God has given to His people for ministry within His Church and the greater community;
To grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus Christ and each other through our ministry with the music and texts we share.
First Church Choir
The Choir sings every Sunday from September through May each year. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings 7:00 p.m.- 8:15 p.m. We sing a variety of anthems from many different composers and offer special music during the Advent and Lenten seasons. Capable students and adults are welcome. No audition is required – just a desire to serve our Lord through His marvelous gift of music. Please speak to Rev. Waltenberger about joining the Choir – and we look forward to your joining with us!

The Irving Memorial Organ
​Our pipe organ, given in 1958 in loving memory of Florence Bernice and Edward Peek Irving, was manufactured by Casavant Freres Organ Builders. It contains three manuals (keyboards), 27 ranks of pipework and a complete set of Maas Chimes. Casavant Freres builds pipe organs for churches and concert halls all and continues to be one the premier organ builders around the world. We are so blessed to use this instrument in our worship services each week!

Handbell Choir
The church has five octaves of Schulmerich Handbells and Malmark Chimes along with an extensive handbell music library. Handbell Choir meets on special occasions and plays during the Advent and Christmas season.